7 Study Tips To Achieve Good Marks In Exam.

Study Tips: 1. Participate in class discussion whenever possible

If there is a question in mind, it should be asked, here I mean that if you participate in class discussion, then you pay attention to what other people are saying.

Study Tips: 2. Have some rest

Taking enough time to plan is one of the important qualifications found in the student. For the history test, do not start your week with a very long goal – rather divide your goal into small parts.

If history is tested then make a calendar of it. For example, every day you can read history from 1 to 3 o’clock, by doing this you will not need to read history continuously for weeks.

Study Tips: 3. Don’t be shy about taking help from anyone

Initially or later every student goes through a situation when he needs someone’s help. Because some subjects start going above the head of the student, which mainly includes mathematics, many students keep working at such times.

But even then, if you do not understand, you get angry and angry, but if you seek help from someone, then you will not need to be angry.

If those whom you asked the question do not know the answer or solution, then you can take help from anyone else, you should not be shy at all while seeking help. Because by taking help of someone, you can also overcome the internal dilemmas of your mind.

Study Rules: 4. Motivation

If you are not motivated and your attitude is also very weak, then your reading time cannot be more productive. Because you have only one chance to pass any exam.

That is why, to study, choose such a time in which you are motivated and ready to solve questions.

Study Rules: 5. Time-Management

This is not the time you spent studying. Rather, it is the time that what you have achieved in that time. Spending 40 hours studying the exam and getting only a C grade, in the end, means that you are wasting your time in vain.

That is why you need to develop your study plan and you need to use the time properly only then you can get better results.

Study Rules: 6. When you have doubts, ask

If you do not understand any subject or you have little doubt, then be sure to ask your advisor, family, friend or head. Because if there is any doubt on any subject, it is very important to remove it.

Otherwise, while studying, that subject will not understand at all.

Study Tips: 7. Meditation

The ability to concentrate is one of the main qualifications found in students. Because while studying, the environment around you cannot be calm.

That is why you need to focus on the topic while studying. You should give all your attention to your subject.

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